Thursday, 2 May 2013

Portrayal of a female protagonist in video games

For my blog post I decided to look at how the old Tomb Raider games and the new Tomb Raider games differ. Wether the character has progressed in herself or not throughout these years away from the media. The main question I had from thinking about this was that does it really make a difference if the protagonist in a game is male or female. The answer was yes it does. I decided to look at how a female main character differed from when it was originally released in 1996 and how it is now and wether it is now more accepted and treated the same as other games. I am going to look at it from a feminist perspective and look at how she is portrayed and if that makes a different in the game or how people look at the game overall.
Tomb Raider is a franchise that has been around since 1996. Since then Lara Croft has come a long way from being 'that female character with the big boobs, to the protagonist in the best game of the year. She became 'one of the first female protagonists in a gaming industry filled with women in supporting roles' (2013).
This game again was huge for its time and brave to bring out a woman lead game, it was originally made for a male lead but the creators changed their mind, this was a huge risk because 'common sense that women should have babies and cook, the women cannot be company directors or bricklayers'(1993, p. 123). As the times were changing this was a huge step in the idea that this could either be a disaster and no on could take to the idea of a women lead or it could be a hit because its new and offers a new female role model.
Available at:

In the original games of Tomb Raider she was very much portrayed as being the lone hero. She completes most of the tasks on her own and manages to do it like a badass. Back in 1996 the major audience for gaming were male and so the way she was portrayed had to be a way that would encourage men to play the game, this is where her costume comes into it. Wearing short shorts with a tank top and gun holsters attached to her thighs she doesn’t look like an ordinary game character. She later became the first game character to become a sex symbol. She was created in a way to become a strong female icon, this seemed to work, though maybe not as much as they had hoped. She stayed an icon for being a tough woman lead in a adventure game with large sales yet she didn’t seem to keep such a strong hold on being a feminist icon. In the original games she didn’t speak too much and no real personality, she was a character that wasn’t scared of anything and implying she was 'just a video game character' and she was more about the body image and how men saw her. This said, she did become a popular fancy dress idea. The games over the years became something new and something people loved because of its uniqueness, this then spouted a 2 movies in which Lara Croft was portrayed by Angelina Jolie.

Below is a trailer for the game in 2012.

As times have changed, with females doing jobs that they didn’t used to be able to the games have also changed from one another and both used different starting points and end points to fit in with the time they were made. 'Patriarchal ideology and how it operates to mask and distort gender relations'.(2001, p. 4) This talks about looking at how much more power men have these days compared to the past. With males not having as much power and control over women this is where the new Tomb Raider would take a change and make her herself an iconic character rather than a character a male would expect the woman to have in a game or any other media form.
In the new release of Tomb Raider in 2013 Lara Croft has been rebuilt to rekindle the love people once had for this franchise. The game uses a whole new approach to the character by having a much younger Lara Croft before she learnt all the things she knows in the old games. This is very much a origin game of the character, showing her as a vulnerable girl stuck on an island trying to help her friends. This reboot saw her coming back as a inexperienced young woman who ended up on an island after her boat crashed. It gave a good platform to build her character from and see how she would handle it. This version of Lara Croft is very much more believable then the old ones. “Gone are her ridiculous proportions and skimpy clothing. This Lara feels more human, more real.”(2012). The new representation of Lara Croft takes a different route, she isn’t as handy with weapons as she used to be shown as well as being someone people can relate to easier by the way she tries to save her friends yet being more cautious about it and what she’s doing. This time this franchise isn’t about 'the male gaze', and has Lara Croft wearing long trousers and a vest top instead of the earlier shorts and a crop top, they are not trying to turn her into a sex symbol like they did the last time around, the game is more focused on her journey and story. From a feminist view this is important and has come along way by having gamers accept a female protagonist as 'a character' and not as a woman who needs rescuing. She still shows emotion in the game as halfway through the game she has to kill a deer, she apologises about this and this shows a sensitive side to the character. Her character develops more and by the end of the game she is more comfortable in killing.
Available at:

As more women are beginning to play games then this game had to be able to draw in female players as well as male players which is not something it had to particularly worry about when originally released however the way the character is shown I can see why both male and female would want to play the game. The women would play it because she is a role model and the fact that there is a game with a positive female lead is amazing. Men would still play it because she was once a sex symbol and still is today, the game itself has violence as well as adventure, this is the sort of games men play anyway, this is the same just with a female lead. Although this game is the same as with a male lead it still actually isn’t seen the same or as an equal to these such games. Ron Rosenberg in an interview said “When you see her have to face these challenges, you start to root for her in a way that you might not root for a male character.”(2012) To me this sounds as though what he is saying is that if you put a male and female in the same situation such as she is in in this game then the gamers would think nothing of it if it was the male in the position but when its a female in the same situation immediately it becomes dangerous and hard for a female to handle. If this is what a lot of people think when playing this game and prefer to 'look after her' than to be the character, then from a feminist point of view this isn’t good for the portrayal of women, that they are once again being looked at as the lesser gender. This is saying that men don’t want to play as the hero, they want help her stay alive. In the game it shows her vulnerability with a controversial scene in the game known as the 'attempted rape scene' in which the creators implied the scene was to create the character stronger and to show her as a fighter and that things happen that you can overcome. It gives this game more of a backbone and story compared to the first game. As she gets better through the game then obstacles occur that know her back, this makes her seem more human again how she is trying to progress yet something is stopping her each time.

(2013) GameReaction: Then & Now... Tomb Raider

The sales for the game overall were good, they didn't reach the target they hoped for but it was still a massive sale. This is the main game available with a female lead and the sales prove that it is a hit and that people want a change. After what a hit this became they are now rebooting the franchise on the big screen, it will be similar to the game, back in her early years. After doing basic research on the game I decided to match it up against one of the other biggest games of the year which was far cry 3! Both being released within a few months of each other I decided to look at which one people were more excited for before released, I found that some people would pick Far cry 3 plainly because Tomb Raider had a female protagonist. Far cry since December 2012 has sold 4.5 million copies (2013) while Tomb Raider sold over 3.4 million in its first month (2013). This shows that most people are not put off by the fact that there is a female protagonist and that wether it is a good game or not should not depend on the main characters gender.


Big Fish (2013) Body Image in Tomb Raider -- Lara Croft's Changing Look | Big Fish Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 2 May 2013].

Richardson, D. and Robinson, V. (1993) Introducing women's studies. London: The Macmillan Press LTD

[online] Available at: [Accessed:May 3, 2013]

Storey, J. (2001) Cultural theory and popular culture. 3rd ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited

Kotaku (2012) You'll 'Want To Protect' The New, Less Curvy Lara Croft. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 2 May 2013]. (2013) Far Cry 3 sales 'much higher than expected,' - Video Game News, Videos and File Downloads for PC and Console Games at [online] Available at: [Accessed: 2 May 2013].

[Online] Available at: [Accessed: May 3, 2013]

[online]  gametrailers (2012) Tomb Raider - E3 2012 Exclusive Crossroads Trailer. [video online] Available at: [Accessed: 2 May 2013].

gamespotuk (2013) Far Cry 3 sales 'much higher than expected,' - Video Game News, Videos and File Downloads for PC and Console Games at [online] Available at: [Accessed: 2 May 2013]. (2013) GameReaction: Then & Now... Tomb Raider. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 2 May 2013].

By Sara Jenkins

Monday, 29 April 2013

Feminism in Lads' Mags'

Feminism in Lads Mags’ (FHM & Nuts)
Feminism, it’s been around for hundreds of years now and is still going strong today, “The term feminism came into English usage around the 1890’s” (2007, p. 4). Although it was started in the 1890’s Jenainati and Groves (2007) say that “Women’s conscious struggle to resist discrimination and sexist oppression goes much further back”. There are many types of Feminists such as Lesbian feminists, Socialist feminists, Marxist feminists and Ecofeminists.  The question is why are women treated with less respect then men? Even nowadays Women can still be seen as the underdogs to men. John Storey (2009) states that “Through all time women as a class have been silent”. This shows us that maybe women are too scared to speak up to a man, which isn’t very good, as no one, regardless of gender should be scared to speak up or stand up to anybody. Nowadays in popular culture, women should be seen as equals. “Women have played central roles as consumers of popular culture products” (2009). Women are known to buy make up, jewellery, nice clothes (some maybe revealing), perfume and things to do with their hair, just so they can look nice for a man. However, is there any need for this? Yes it gives the makers of these products a profit, but is it really necessary? Why should women buy things just so men will like it? It’s a mystery.
Some magazines in the media downgrade women like they are objects, most typically ‘lad’s mags’ such as FHM and NUTS. These magazines mainly have images of women either barely clothed, in sexy underwear, topless or in some cases naked. Young girls that see these types of magazines in newsagents or online etc. will see these half naked girls and think that that is the way to be and will inspire to be like them. You already have young girls that want to be glamour models and who are getting plastic surgery at such a young age, which is so wrong. People need to learn that all women can be beautiful, regardless of their body shape and looks. 

FHM is one of these magazines that seem to downgrade women. This magazine is typically aimed at teenage boys and young men, although some older men have been known to enjoy it. Females don’t really touch this magazine. I mean why would you want to read a magazine that downgrades your sex and makes it out to be an object? FHM regularly run competitions in their magazine such as ‘Top 100 Sexiest Females’. This contest just judges females based on their looks, which in a feminist view is seen as wrong. There is more to a female then her looks. She may be really intelligent, with a degree in something like Law or Business. Or she may have been the founder of a very successful company who are now making millions, just like Karen Brady, best known for her appearances on BBC’s The Apprentice. Yes, some women may be beautiful, but they can also be a whole lot more than that. One competition that is running at the moment is “The Sexiest Women on TV” (FHM, 2013). “We want to know who your favourite TV minx is. Which girls are so hot that you’d happily invest in a brand new television if it meant you could see them in sparkly high-definition?” (FHM, 2013). They refer to women as ‘Minxes’ a Minx is stated to be “A girl or young woman who is considered pert, flirtatious, impudent or promiscuous” (The Free Dictionary, 2013). How do they know any of these ‘sexy’ women on TV are any of these things? They don’t know them personally. They could be the complete opposite. They could be quite boring who have no interest in being flirtatious or promiscuous. Most men who read this magazine only see these women on the TV or in magazines or on the internet. They have been made up to look good. When you see an image of a female celebrity in a magazine or online, it has most likely been photoshopped. So a particular celebrity may not look that good in real life. This sort of contest in FHM could be linked to the Recover and Reappraisal approach of feminism as stated by John Storey (2009) “Cataloguing and criticising images of women may have been the earliest of the contemporary feminist approaches to popular culture”.  This is exactly what FHM have done. They are taking images of these TV celebrities and letting their readers’ judge and criticise them, just based on their looks. This is becoming very common in our culture these days. Another outrageous thing that FHM are doing at the moment is having a section of their website dedicated to “High Street Honeys” (FHM, 2013). This is basically the public submitting images of themselves. However, in these images females are seen in sexy lingerie, half naked mainly showing of their breasts or in some circumstances completely naked. The females that submit these images are just members of the public, they aren’t celebrities. This sort of thing is encouraging young girls to take photos of themselves in compromising positions, barely clothed and then to put them online, where thousands of people can see them. This sort of thing isn’t setting a good example for the next generation. They may think that the only way to get noticed is to take naked photos and send them to a porn magazine. Young girls have so much more potential than this and it would be such a shame if this was to be the norm in the next few years. As well as having things in a magazine and online, FHM also post frequent videos onto their youtube. One in particular caught my eye (FHMWeb, 2013) it showed a behind the scenes photo shoot with soap actress Michelle Keegan. In this video you got to see her whilst she was having her photo shoot done for FHM. From what I could see from this video her shoot did involve her being clothed, but in quite suggestive poses. This was probably quite low key for FHM. I did notice that Michelle looked like she was having fun whilst doing the shoot, which suggests that although FHM is sometimes looked down upon, people do have fun whilst doing photo shoots etc for them. 

Nuts is another magazine which is specifically aimed at teenage boys and young men. It seems a bit raunchier then FHM, which could be seen as a bad thing from a feminist view. It features a lot more suggestive images, with most of the models in the magazine, half naked or naked. Hardly any are clothed. Nuts seems a lot more demeaning to women, then FHM was. It definitely is a lot more hardcore. On the website there is an article or a competition called “Assess my Breasts” (Nuts, 2013) which is where females upload images of their breasts onto the site and then men ‘assess’ them and give them a mark out of ten. This can be dubbed as softcore porn. From looking through these images, most of the girls who have taken the images are in their late teens and early twenties. This can be seen as quite wrong, because what would possess a young woman to take a photo of her naked breasts and then put it online? She doesn’t know who would be looking at that image. She is downgrading herself and saying to all the readers of Nuts that she has no self-respect and is an object. That will stay with her forever and she will never be able to get away from it. Another demeaning article on Nuts is entitled “Thongs of Praise” (Nuts, 2013), which is where they are praising the Thong. “You've got to love thongs - very few things show off a lovely posterior quite as well as that clever bit of material” (Nuts, 2013). A woman’s underwear should be private for her and her partner, not to be shown nationwide. This article is more image based than word based. It is just images of female models, topless, just wearing thongs. What is so special about this? There is nothing special about models that are basically naked modelling underwear. Sometimes I wonder what made these females get into that career. Sometimes I think it must be for the money, as I would never want to glamour model for a lads magazine. Nuts also upload some videos onto sites such as YouTube, although they haven’t done it for a few years. One video I came across was “Nuts Video: Lucy Pinder” (nuts, 2010). This is sort of the same style of video that FHM do, which is a behind the scenes at a photo shoot. However, this one definitely was a lot raunchier. It had a lot more close up scenes of parts of her body such as her breasts and bottom. Lucy Pinder also looked like she wasn’t really enjoying it. Which makes you think, was she enjoying the shoot or not? In FHM Michelle Keegan looked like she was having fun, Lucy Pinder, not so much. Maybe she was regretting her decision to do the shoot for the magazine or maybe she just wasn’t feeling it. We’ll never know really.  Nuts is definitely a lot more raunchier and suggestive then FHM.

Overall, both of these lads’ mags’ can be seen as taboo from a feminist view. They both downgrade women to a certain extent and make them out to be objects, when in reality they are so much more. Out of both of the magazines, I’d say, in my opinion that Nuts was the worst one, as it had a lot more female nudity, a lot more articles about parts of the female that should be private and a bit more participation from females from the public. FHM on the other hand did have a few competitions involving celebrities and members of the public, it was much more softer and not so raunchy. It’s safe to say that these magazines will be around for years to come, but maybe in the future they will fade away.

Jenainati, C. and Groves, J. (2007) Introducing feminism. Thriplow: Icon
Storey, J. (2009) Cultural theory and popular culture. Harlow, England: Pearson Longman (2013) FHM Men's Magazine | Sexy Girls, News & Men's Fashion | [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 Apr 2013] (2013) minx. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 Apr 2013]
FHMWeb (2013) Behind the Sexy Scenes on Michelle Keegan's FHM Cover Shoot. Available at: [Accessed 29 Apr 2013] (2013) Nuts | Topless Girls, Web Games, Funny Videos, Glamour Models, Spambank, Nuts Magazine. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 Apr 2013]
Nuts (2010) Nuts Video: Lucy Pinder. Available at: [Accessed 29 Apr 2013]
By Amy Rush Da Silva